Over 1,000 residents and supporters of community associations have asked Governor Brown to veto AB 634, a bill that eliminates local control and creates a one-size-fits-all statewide solution to managing the placement of solar panels in common interest developments.

CAI has outstanding members who have done a great job of taking action. Now we’re asking you to add your voice to prevent this bad bill from harming our communities. AB 634 currently sits on the Governor’s desk awaiting his signature. If signed it will eliminate local association-approved rules and replace them with statewide mandates that allow a single homeowner to monopolize a common area roof with solar panels for their sole benefit.

It also disregards the impact of solar panels on a community’s architectural guidelines, suitability for that particular building or roof, or any adequate protections from property or water damage.

Take action today by emailing Governor Brown and ask him to VETO AB 634! And share this email with your friends and neighbors who should know about this legislation.