Privacy is important to residents living in managed community associations. But there’s a bill being considered in Sacramento that would put your privacy at risk.
If passed, Senate Bill 1265 (Wieckowski) would allow any neighbor to access the personal information AND copy the signatures of residents who vote in their associations’ board elections. This could compromise the privacy of residents in managed community associations and likely frighten them from voting in their communities’ board elections.
Click here to urge your Senator to vote NO on SB 1265!
But that’s not all SB 1265 would do. Just some of the additional anti-association elements of this bill include:
- Eliminating local control over decisions as to who can serve on your board. If an association does not want someone who is in prison for a felony, for example, or a member who chooses to skip out on paying his or her dues to be eligible for a board spot, SB 1265 would effectively strip association residents of that decision-making powering and impose Sacramento’s will. Sacramento is hardly qualified to decide who should and should not serve on a local association’s board!
- It would significantly increase costs to hold an election. An additional mailing of election rules, the requirement that someone other than management be hired to serve as election inspector and additional legal hurdles related to election challenges and burden of proof would all combine to drive association election costs through the roof!
Here’s what you can do:
SB 1265 will be considered by the State Senate Transportation and Housing Committee TOMORROW – April 17. Please contact your Senator TODAY and let him or her know that your privacy, local control and your hard-earned dues dollars matter to you.