SB 721 would require mandatory inspections and maintenance of walkways, balconies and elevated structures in a multi-residence structure.

  • Associations are non-profit entities governed by a Board of Directors elected by members who are owners of separate interests within the Association. The Board is responsible for developing and budgeting for deferred maintenance.
  • SB 721 makes no accommodation for Associations that have recently performed the required maintenance and would ultimately result in an unnecessary cost to the Association.
  • SB 721 would prioritize deferred maintenance projects by statute regardless of the budget concerns or other needs of the community, which could result in the need for a special assessment to be placed on the members of the Association.
  • Many condominiums are seen as affordable housing for first time homebuyers. SB 721 will greatly increase the cost of this housing option

Associations governed by the Davis-Stirling Act should be exempt from SB 721.

Email your Assembly Member TODAY and ask them to vote no on this bad bill for homeowners. Then pick up the phone and call them using this phone list with a call script attached. Don’t know who your Assembly Member is? Simply find your community in the call script.

Hello, my name is _________________. I’m calling from _(City)_ and I live in _(Name of Association)_.

I’m calling because I oppose SB 721, because it will create unnecessary costs to me and my neighbor.

I request Assembly Member _________ to vote no.
Thank you.