Yesterday, May 8th, your CAI-CLAC Government Relations Team had a busy day. Five of our six priority bills were heard in the Committee and the results were very positive.
The Assembly Judiciary Committee met first. Our CAI-CLAC sponsored legislation, AB 2912 (Irwin), to protect Association finances passed on the consent calendar. Success!
AB 2353 (Frazier) which sought to reduce the statute of limitations for construction defect claims from 10 years to 5 years was amended to delete the statute of limitation language. Success!
Finally, AB 1760 (Frazier) which sough to prohibit an Association from placing any restrictions on the parking of emergency vehicles was defeated. Success!
The Senate Judiciary Committee met next and heard SB 1128 (Roth), election by acclamation, and SB 1265 (Wieckowski), HOA election procedures/prohibition on board member qualifications.
SB 1128 passed the committee. Success!
SB 1265 also passed, but only after significant discussion on a number of CAI-CLAC concerns were raised by members of the committee, including the need for a member to be in good standing to serve on the board, privacy concerns related to the copying of ballot and signatures, and the transferring of the burden of proof in election dispute claims. This can also be considered a success, based on the fact Senator Wieckowski is a member of the committee.
Much of this success can be attributed to the good work done while our CAI-CLAC members were in Sacramento during our 2018 Legislative Day and the ongoing efforts made back home to connect with Legislators. Notwithstanding our success yesterday, we have more work to do!
SB 1265 was amended in the Senate Judiciary Committee, but many of CAI-CLAC’s concerns have not been addressed. The bill will increase costs, prohibit Associations from establishing requirements for Board candidates, and jeopardize the sanctity of the secret ballot. We need your continued efforts! Contact your State Senator and to ask for a NO vote when the bill comes before the full Senate for a vote. You can contact your Senator through social media, email, or a telephone call and that information can be found on CAI-CLAC’s website.
Our continued success in Sacramento relies on your continued efforts at home. Don’t let Sacramento take away your ability to run your Association.